Book personalized 1:1 sessions tailored to your needs. Whether you want career advice, portfolio feedback, or mock interview practice, you can choose a single session for focused guidance or a discounted multi-session package (3-5 sessions) for deeper, long-term growth.
Got burning questions about your career, portfolio, or the product design industry? This focused session is your chance to get clarity on anything holding you back.
Book for ₹4,999Choose between a whiteboarding exercise or portfolio review round, followed by personalized, actionable feedback to help you ace your next interview.
Book for ₹5,999Save 20% by booking 3 sessions for ₹13,999, each lasting up to 1.5 hours. Learn more about how the pricing works and how to finalize your time slots, in the FAQs.
Book the first session for ₹5,999Save 30% by booking 5 sessions for ₹19,999, each lasting up to 1.5 hours. Learn more about how the pricing works and how to finalize your time slots, in the FAQs.
Book the first session for ₹5,999We’ll start with a quick introduction where you can share a bit about yourself and your concerns so I can understand how to best support you. For portfolio or white-boarding sessions, the first hour will be all about you presenting, and the last 30 minutes will be dedicated to me providing actionable feedback you can immediately apply.
Yes, every session will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube as an unlisted link, allowing you to access it anytime at your convenience. The link will only be shared with you.
Feel free to email me or send a message on Instagram or LinkedIn if you need to reschedule your session. I’d be happy to accommodate. You can also cancel your session by emailing me at any time before it begins. Please note that in the case you've booked a single session and you've missed to attend, the session fee is non-refundable.
Each session is priced at ₹5,999. Discounts are applied to the final session(s) based on the plan you select. The payment must be made in advance before the start of each session. This approach ensures you get the best value from your chosen plan without needing to make a large upfront commitment. Once a session is over we can plan the time slot for the next session.
• Session 1: ₹5,999
• Session 2: ₹5,999
• Session 3: ₹2,000 (discounted)
• Session 1: ₹5,999
• Session 2: ₹5,999
• Session 3: ₹5,999
• Session 4: ₹2,000 (discounted)
• Session 5: Free